Understanding How Addictive Is Kratom

how addictive is kratom

Kratom is a powerful herbal stimulant or method to relieve pain when used carefully. But today, more and more individuals have been abusing kratom to get euphoric. Its chemicals include flavonoids, polyphenols, and other glycosides, which some people believe can substitute opioids.

This article explores the science behind kratom addiction, its signs, causes and treatment options. Keep reading to learn more about this condition and how to cope with it.

Is Kratom Addictive For Its Users?

Kratom has indeed been linked to addiction and dependency amongst its users who may misuse it in an attempt to experience its effects. Here is some information about the potential of kratom addiction among its users.

  • Kratom includes substances that interact with the brain’s opioid receptors to show the effects of kratom on brain which seem to be addictive.
  • If Kratom is used for a prolonged period of time, the amount needed to achieve the desired effects may increase, leading to potential addiction.
  • If the body becomes accustomed to the effects of the drug, it may become dependent on kratom to function normally, leading to addiction.
  • Withdrawal symptoms, like anxiety and muscle aches, can drive people back to using the substance at higher doses after quitting abruptly.
  • Many users become psychologically addicted to kratom, as it produces feelings of happiness and relaxation.
  • Regular use of a substance can lead to post-acute withdrawal symptoms such as insomnia, which can make it addictive if the dosage is increased.

What are the signs of kratom addiction?

Common kratom addiction signs can be easily identified as it includes; 

  • Experiencing a strong urge to use kratom that interferes with usual activities or with important tasks.
  • When kratom consumption begins to take precedence over all other aspects of an individual’s life like family or work, it can be a sign of addiction.
  • Using increasing amounts of kratom to get the same effects, indicating tolerance can be a sign of addiction.
  • Maintaining consistent spending on kratom, despite financial hardship, can be a sign of addiction.
  • When a user wants to stop the usage of kratom but is unable to control the urge of taking it shows the addiction level is quite high.
  • Indicating continued use of kratom despite any negative physical or mental side effects is a sign of addiction.
  • Another easy sign to know if the person is addicted or not is being over talkative behaviour after consumption.
  • While recovering from its effects like dry mouth or loss of appetite and still making attempts to use the kratom in short breaks results in addiction. 
  • Signs of kratom addiction can include restoring to unethical means to obtain the substance, such as theft or engaging in risky behaviours.

Factors That Cause The Addiction To Kratom?

The speed at which kratom addiction develops can vary greatly and depend upon numerous factors. Here are some important factors that tell us why is kratom so addictive to users:

  • Frequency to use: The risk of addiction to kratom is considerably heightened when taken regularly or multiple times a day. 
  • Dosage: Higher kratom doses can lead to faster development of increased tolerance and, consequently, addiction.
  • Length of Use: The risk of kratom addiction increases the longer a user takes kratom.
  • Individual Variations: Each person has different neurobiology and metabolism, due to which the addiction level can vary.
  • Stress levels: It can lead users to engage in self-medication and experience cravings or neurotransmitter imbalances.
  • Social environment: Users who are part of a social group in which people tend to use kratom more often will lead to addiction to kratom.
  • Mental health: People who deal with depression or anxiety by taking self-suggested medication can have a high possibility of becoming addicted to kratom.

What is the Kratom Addiction Treatment?

Kratom addiction is a serious problem, but there are several effective treatment options to consider. By understanding the different approaches to treatment, you can find the best option best suited to you; 

  • Medical Detoxification: For severe kratom addiction, medical detoxification will be required to efficiently treat withdrawal symptoms.
  • Involvement in counselling sessions: Counselling sessions to develop coping mechanisms and address addiction’s root causes for successful treatment.
  • Support Groups: Becoming a member of a support group, can promote a sense of understanding among people facing comparable difficulties.
  • Holistic Treatment Options: Look into the options of this treatment which includes yoga or mindfulness exercises that support general well-being in the process.
  • Education and Relapse Prevention: Treatment includes educating people on causes, triggers, and coping methods to prevent relapse.
  • Medical and psychiatric help: Seeking medical and psychiatric help to address any co-existing mental health conditions can aid kratom addiction treatment.
  • Adopt a healthy lifestyle: It includes exercise, a well-balanced diet, and enough sleep to support both physical and mental well-being.
  • Avoiding Triggers: Recognize and stay away from circumstances, persons, or surroundings that could lead to kratom cravings or temptations.
  • Family Involvement: Involve family or friends in the therapy process because their encouragement can have a big impact on recovery.

Lastly, kratom addiction is a real and serious concern that is increasing with its usage in today’s era. Though its dependence varies from person to person it is still advised to always consume it within the limit. People should be aware of the signs of addiction and ensure timely treatment to avoid serious consequences.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Get Addicted To Kratom?

Yes, It is possible to become addicted to kratom due to its psychoactive effects that mimic stimulants. The drug works by targeting the brain’s pleasure centres, which can lead to increased cravings and dependency over time. The temporary nature of its effects can lead to a cycle of addiction.

How Long Does It Take To Get Addicted To Kratom?

Kratom addiction can develop over an extended period of time if an individual overuses or abuses the substance regularly. It can take several months or years for an individual to become addicted to kratom.

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